Create teams both within your organization and for specific projects with clients.
Assign roles within the team.
Work with your team to create high-quality content that matches your brand.
Engage your content clients / customers in creating and agreeing to a communications and content publishing plan.
Create tasks for your team members, keep track of the posts made by your team on the calendar and involve the client in the approval process of their content.
Create a Post draft, each team member (designer, copywriter or client manager) can take their action when creating a draft.
Get customer’s feedback and improve the content with your team.
When you receive notifications in the system and to your e-mail, never miss important events.
You will be able to quickly respond to any changes, updates or problems related to your publications or tasks.
Having received notifications from team members about the work done, you can quickly approve them or send them for revision.
Before posting, check the content quality and meet customer requirements.
You can send the prepared publication for confirmation to a responsible member of your team or customer.
Get confirmation or comments for revision. After completing, re-approve. After confirmation, the post will be immediately posted to social networks or queued up for automatic posting at the scheduled time.
Discuss tasks and issues related to the administration of social networks directly in the Sposter system.
Chat online with your team members, ask questions, clarify assignments, and collaboratively plan content creation activities.
Use discussion history to monitor and build your knowledge base.