What’s the difference in marketing to Baby Boomer, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z?
Generational marketing is a type of marketing that targets groups of people born in a particular period. This segmentation is important because each generational group has different characteristics, values and habits. In this text, we discuss four generations, from baby boomers, post-war generation to today’s generation Z.
Baby boomers are the generation born between 1946 and 1964. For this generation, lively communication and good service are important. According to Pew Research, more than 65% visit websites or social media to communicate with relatives living abroad. Nevertheless, seniors are reluctant to engage with social networks and, in particular, they are not interested in the advertisements posted there. This generation is a very loyal one, so if your company is able to create a good brand image and meet consumer expectations, baby boomers will be your best customers.
Generation X – people born between 1965 and 1976. This is the generation who have reached the pinnacle of their careers, work hard, check their emails frequently and use social media. More than 80% of Generation Xers have social media accounts, but email marketing remains the best way to communicate with them, as they check their emails frequently, not only at work but also at home.
Millennials – the generation, born between 1977 and 1995, with as many as 64% of them preferring to work in a job they like for twice the pay rather than spend their time in a boring job. 84% of marketers are targeting Millennials in their social media strategy. This makes sense as 44% of millennials use social media every day. Millennials have the most spending power and like to buy well-known brands. . 84% of marketers are targeting Millennials in their social media strategy. This makes sense as 44% of millennials use social media every day. Brand image on social networks is very important to this generation.
Generation Z is a group of people who now range in age from 13 to 28. This generation has grown up using the internet and social media and is therefore very demanding of the content created by different brands. This generation values clear communication of brand values, and they are particular about the content they see being entertaining. Brand personality also plays a big role for those people. People of this age are tolerant and open to innovation. They search for sustainable and eco friendly products.