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Facebook New Option to Send Marketing Emails via Pages App

Facebook New Option to Send Marketing Emails via Pages App

If you haven’t noticed yet, Facebook Pages app have a new option which prompts to ‘send customized marketing emails’ via Facebook Page.

If you are interested to try this, here are information how you can to do that:

  1. First need to confirm your Page email address.
  2. Once confirmed, then you need to manually add email contacts to the database. In this process, you will be asked to confirm that any email contacts that they do add have given them explicit permission to contact them with promotional messages via email.
  3. When you agree to Facebook's usage terms, you can then create email campaigns via the Pages app, with a preview of your subject line and content in the lower section, making it easy to extend into email outreach.

This new feature essentially seeks to replicate CRM systems, with all of your marketing messages – including Facebook and Instagram ads AND promotional emails – coming from your Facebook business hub. Seemingly, any emails you do send through this process will be delivered via your ‘’ email address which is attached to your account, though as noted, any email contacts need to be manually uploaded. You can’t simply use the emails that people have listed on their Facebook profiles.

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